No this is not the eye of Sauron. And it is not a witchs' eye. And most definitely it is not used to cast anything on anybody. Don't let the name fool ya, this ring is all about PROCTECTING ya from the evil eeyeeee. Cue ominous sounds.
*Baaaahhhhh* Wait that's a goat? A sheep? That ain't right. OMINOUS SOUNDS.
*Bmooooooooo* Did you just say moo or boo?
Anyhooo, this ring actually is a very old design. You can see Meghan Markle wear a variation of this design and you can trace it's belief to about 6th century B.C.E. It's belief is still strong today in the Mediterranean and West Asia areas. The evil eye, or "Mati" has even been referenced by some hella old dudes. You may have even heard of some them. Like Plato, Hesiod, and even Plutarch. I know!!! Plutarch in the house!!!
But what is the eye evil? Hmmmm, weeelllll, many different cultures have different beliefs but the gist of it is a curse that is cast by a malevolent glare, and usually given to a person when they are unaware. And the evil eye catches it and protects the wearer from it.
Ours is a simple yet elegant design. Made of solid sterling silver, it will repel all them bad rays with the best of them. Throw in our life time guarantee of repairs and free resizing, and it is the best deal this side of the Atlantic.
*Baaaahhhhh* Wait that's a goat? A sheep? That ain't right. OMINOUS SOUNDS.
*Bmooooooooo* Did you just say moo or boo?
Anyhooo, this ring actually is a very old design. You can see Meghan Markle wear a variation of this design and you can trace it's belief to about 6th century B.C.E. It's belief is still strong today in the Mediterranean and West Asia areas. The evil eye, or "Mati" has even been referenced by some hella old dudes. You may have even heard of some them. Like Plato, Hesiod, and even Plutarch. I know!!! Plutarch in the house!!!
But what is the eye evil? Hmmmm, weeelllll, many different cultures have different beliefs but the gist of it is a curse that is cast by a malevolent glare, and usually given to a person when they are unaware. And the evil eye catches it and protects the wearer from it.
Ours is a simple yet elegant design. Made of solid sterling silver, it will repel all them bad rays with the best of them. Throw in our life time guarantee of repairs and free resizing, and it is the best deal this side of the Atlantic.