Website Listings

Hello and Hiya everyone. Normally we make some great posts and try to be a bit more interactive. But for this one just wanted to give a quick update. 

We will be attending the Michigan Ren Faire's Festival on Parade September 12th-13th and 19th-20th. It will be from 10am to 5 pm. We currently are doing our best whittle our menu of items that will fit in that drive through pattern well. In addition, informing everyone what can be ordered online and services. 

Also, we busy trying to curate our menu of items that are A) fast, B) best sellers, and C) we have plenty of. So once we got that all sorted out we will announce it ASAP and blast it on all our channels. 

Lastly, we are learning everyday how to list and sort our products. So bear with us if you see some items appear and reappear. We are going to try to update it as often and frequent as possible as we get feedback. If you have any questions please feel free to message us or email us. 


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